All Fixtures 2023/24

3 - 4
The Independent

Indy Toads Club vs T.W.A.T.T

5 - 2
The Caxton Arms

Caxton A vs Modern Tossers

5 - 2
The Round Georges

The Round Georges vs Windy Toaders

5 - 2
The Caxton Arms

Caxton B vs Toad in The Hole In The Wall

8:00 pm
The Sidewinder

The Sidewinder vs Holiday Gherkins

0 - 7
The West Hill Tavern

The West Hill Tavern vs Ed's TC

7 - 0
The Lewes Road Inn

The Lewes Toad Inn vs The Bevy

0 - 7

Village vs The Dover Castle

2 - 5
The Windmill

Modern Tossers vs Indy Toads Club

5 - 2
The Hole In The Wall

Toad in The Hole In The Wall vs Caxton A

4 - 3
The Caxton Arms

Caxton B vs The Round Georges

3 - 4
The Watchmakers Arms

T.W.A.T.T vs Windy Toaders

6 - 1
Dover Castle

The Dover Castle vs The West Hill Tavern

2 - 5

Village vs The Lewes Toad Inn

7 - 0
The Bevy

The Bevy vs Holiday Gherkins

4 - 3
The Windmill

Modern Tossers vs Toad in The Hole In The Wall

4 - 3
The Watchmakers Arms

T.W.A.T.T vs Caxton B

4 - 3
The Caxton Arms

Caxton A vs The Round Georges

8:00 pm
The Sidewinder

The Sidewinder vs The Bevy

0 - 7
Presuming Ed

Ed’s TC vs The Dover Castle

0 - 0
Salvage Cafe

Holiday Gherkins vs Village

1 - 6
The West Hill Tavern

The West Hill Tavern vs The Lewes Toad Inn

3 - 4
The Hole In The Wall

Toad in The Hole In The Wall vs Indy Toads Club

3 - 4
The Caxton Arms

Caxton B vs Windy Toaders

3 - 4
The Round Georges

The Round Georges vs Modern Tossers

3 - 4
The Caxton Arms

Caxton A vs T.W.A.T.T

6 - 1
Dover Castle

The Dover Castle vs The Sidewinder

6 - 1

Village vs The Bevy

1 - 6
The Lewes Road Inn

The Lewes Toad Inn vs Ed's TC

2 - 5
The West Hill Tavern

The West Hill Tavern vs Holiday Gherkins

4 - 3
The Independent

Indy Toads Club vs Windy Toaders

0 - 7
The Independent

Indy Toads Club vs Caxton B

5 - 2
The Hole In The Wall

Toad in The Hole In The Wall vs The Round Georges

3 - 4
Dover Castle

Windy Toaders vs Caxton A

5 - 2
The Windmill

Modern Tossers vs T.W.A.T.T

4 - 3
The Sidewinder

The Sidewinder vs Village

5 - 2
Dover Castle

The Dover Castle vs The Lewes Toad Inn

4 - 3
The Bevy

The Bevy vs The West Hill Tavern

2 - 4
Presuming Ed

Ed’s TC vs Holiday Gherkins

3 - 4
The Caxton Arms

Caxton A vs Caxton B

3 - 4
The Round Georges

The Round Georges vs Indy Toads Club

4 - 3
The Watchmakers Arms

T.W.A.T.T vs Toad in The Hole In The Wall

2 - 5
The Windmill

Modern Tossers vs Windy Toaders

6 - 1
The Lewes Road Inn

The Lewes Toad Inn vs The Sidewinder

2 - 5
Salvage Cafe

Holiday Gherkins vs The Dover Castle

6 - 1
Presuming Ed

Ed’s TC vs The Bevy

1 - 6
The West Hill Tavern

The West Hill Tavern vs Village

4 - 3
The Rook Taproom

Indy Toads Club vs Caxton A

5 - 2
The Round Georges

The Round Georges vs T.W.A.T.T

3 - 4
The Hole In The Wall

Toad in The Hole In The Wall vs Windy Toaders

3 - 4
The Lewes Road Inn

The Lewes Toad Inn vs Holiday Gherkins

3 - 4

Village vs Ed's TC

7 - 0
Dover Castle

The Dover Castle vs The Bevy

0 - 0
The Caxton Arms

Caxton B vs Modern Tossers

7 - 0
The Sidewinder

The Sidewinder vs The West Hill Tavern

1 - 6
The Watchmakers Arms

T.W.A.T.T vs Indy Toads Club

2 - 5
The Windmill

Modern Tossers vs Caxton A

5 - 2
Dover Castle

Windy Toaders vs The Round Georges

4 - 3
Salvage Cafe

Holiday Gherkins vs The Sidewinder

7 - 0
Presuming Ed

Ed’s TC vs The West Hill Tavern

8:00 pm
The Bevy

The Bevy vs The Lewes Toad Inn

5 - 2
Dover Castle

The Dover Castle vs Village

5 - 2
Dover Castle

Windy Toaders vs T.W.A.T.T

3 - 4
The Independent

Indy Toads Club vs Modern Tossers

3 - 4
The Caxton Arms

Caxton A vs Toad in The Hole In The Wall

4 - 3
The Round Georges

The Round Georges vs Caxton B

7 - 0
Salvage Cafe

Holiday Gherkins vs The Bevy

6 - 1
The West Hill Tavern

The West Hill Tavern vs The Dover Castle

6 - 1
The Lewes Road Inn

The Lewes Toad Inn vs Village

4 - 3
The Hole In The Wall

Toad in The Hole In The Wall vs Caxton B

4 - 3
Dover Castle

Windy Toaders vs Indy Toads Club

5 - 2
The Caxton Arms

Caxton B vs T.W.A.T.T

4 - 3
The Round Georges

The Round Georges vs Caxton A

8:00 pm
The Bevy

The Bevy vs The Sidewinder

5 - 2
Dover Castle

The Dover Castle vs Ed's TC

3 - 4

Village vs Holiday Gherkins

7 - 0
The Lewes Road Inn

The Lewes Toad Inn vs The West Hill Tavern

6 - 1
The Independent

Indy Toads Club vs Toad in The Hole In The Wall

4 - 3
The Windmill

Modern Tossers vs The Round Georges

2 - 5
The Watchmakers Arms

T.W.A.T.T vs Caxton A

1 - 6
The Sidewinder

The Sidewinder vs The Dover Castle

0 - 7
The Bevy

The Bevy vs Village

8:00 pm
Presuming Ed

Ed’s TC vs The Lewes Toad Inn

0 - 7
Presuming Ed

Ed’s TC vs The Sidewinder

6 - 1
Salvage Cafe

Holiday Gherkins vs The West Hill Tavern

4 - 3
The Caxton Arms

Caxton B vs Indy Toads Club

5 - 2
The Round Georges

The Round Georges vs Toad in The Hole In The Wall

5 - 2
The Caxton Arms

Caxton A vs Windy Toaders

4 - 3
The Watchmakers Arms

T.W.A.T.T vs Modern Tossers

6 - 1

Village vs The Sidewinder

3 - 4
The Lewes Road Inn

The Lewes Toad Inn vs The Dover Castle

8:00 pm
The West Hill Tavern

The West Hill Tavern vs The Bevy

7 - 0
Salvage Cafe

Holiday Gherkins vs Ed's TC

3 - 4
The Hole In The Wall

Toad in The Hole In The Wall vs Modern Tossers

8:00 pm
The Sidewinder

The Sidewinder vs Ed's TC

4 - 3
The Caxton Arms

Caxton B vs Caxton A

4 - 3
The Hole In The Wall

Toad in The Hole In The Wall vs T.W.A.T.T

4 - 3
Dover Castle

Windy Toaders vs Modern Tossers

5 - 2
The Independent

Indy Toads Club vs The Round Georges

5 - 2
The Sidewinder

The Sidewinder vs The Lewes Toad Inn

6 - 1

Village vs The West Hill Tavern

6 - 1
Dover Castle

The Dover Castle vs Holiday Gherkins

0 - 7
The Bevy

The Bevy vs Ed's TC

2 - 5
The Caxton Arms

Caxton A vs Indy Toads Club

4 - 3
The Watchmakers Arms

T.W.A.T.T vs The Round Georges

3 - 4
The Windmill

Modern Tossers vs Caxton B

5 - 2
Dover Castle

Windy Toaders vs Toad in The Hole In The Wall

8:00 pm
The West Hill Tavern

The West Hill Tavern vs The Sidewinder

7 - 0
Salvage Cafe

Holiday Gherkins vs The Lewes Toad Inn

5 - 2
Presuming Ed

Ed’s TC vs Village

0 - 7
The Bevy

The Bevy vs The Dover Castle

3 - 4
Dover Castle

Windy Toaders vs Caxton B